Thursday, May 22, 2008

Worst Christmas Ever

So, as I said yesterday, there was supposed to be some life changing news in the Musto-Graham household today. News received. Not so life changing. Looks as if things will stay as they have been, until July 21st. Well, not exactly as they have been, but not all that different. Point is...Jason is still unhappy, I can't fix it, the state of Alabama sucks my cock.

Work today was BUSY. Whole bunch of soccer mom bitches dragging their kids to a NOT KID FRIENDLY restaurant since they got out of school early today. Served a whole lot of mashed up Peanut Butter and Jelly and Grilled Cheese which comes with chips to crunch on the floor and raisins to float in your Coke. I made 62.00 bucks today which is abnormal for the section I was in. I've had 4 really great money making days in a row. Maybe things are picking up????
With great money comes hassles. "Mo Money Mo Problems"- Biggie said it best. Summer classes start next Thursday (29th). I am taking one. 8-10am. So I can work Tuesday/Thursday lunch. Long story short- I feel like my school is not important to these people. I am scheduled to work Tuesday/Thursday breakfast. I can't. I skipped class once to come into work for them and now I think that was a terrible choice. I showed them that I do not think school is important, and that is so wrong. I may need to be scouting for another job...just in case.

Other than that- I had a great nap today. I needed it. I am going shopping tonight for Erin's Graduation gift. I'm going to miss her when she leaves. The other Dogboxes won't be the same.

I leave you with this...Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

So is July 21st the official date we are waiting for? That sucks balls he has to wait that long!

When I get back from S.C. we need to have a girls day!


HonestToBlog said...

Well...I guess July 21st is the date. This woman running it now is such a cunt. She is awful to Jason. Who knows...they could change the date 90 more times. But yes, so far, its July 21st.