Work today was BUSY. Whole bunch of soccer mom bitches dragging their kids to a NOT KID FRIENDLY restaurant since they got out of school early today. Served a whole lot of mashed up Peanut Butter and Jelly and Grilled Cheese which comes with chips to crunch on the floor and raisins to float in your Coke. I made 62.00 bucks today which is abnormal for the section I was in. I've had 4 really great money making days in a row. Maybe things are picking up????
With great money comes hassles. "Mo Money Mo Problems"- Biggie said it best. Summer classes start next Thursday (29th). I am taking one. 8-10am. So I can work Tuesday/Thursday lunch. Long story short- I feel like my school is not important to these people. I am scheduled to work Tuesday/Thursday breakfast. I can't. I skipped class once to come into work for them and now I think that was a terrible choice. I showed them that I do not think school is important, and that is so wrong. I may need to be scouting for another job...just in case.
Other than that- I had a great nap today. I needed it. I am going shopping tonight for Erin's Graduation gift. I'm going to miss her when she leaves. The other Dogboxes won't be the same.
I leave you with this...Enjoy!
So is July 21st the official date we are waiting for? That sucks balls he has to wait that long!
When I get back from S.C. we need to have a girls day!
Well...I guess July 21st is the date. This woman running it now is such a cunt. She is awful to Jason. Who knows...they could change the date 90 more times. But yes, so far, its July 21st.
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